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Maybe you’ve experienced burnout in your current role and decided to start looking for a new job. First, congrats on taking the necessary steps to care for yourself and your mental health. Next, you’ll need to find a job and environment that won’t lead to burnout all over again. After all, you don’t...more
Think of who you were before the coronavirus pandemic started—the plans you had, things you prioritized, and goals you were working toward. Now fast forward to today. Maybe, like so many people, you’ve found your understanding of what you want in life and at work transformed while navigating this pandemic—a time...more
Gone are the days when applying for a new job entailed writing a cover letter, uploading your resume, hitting submit on the job application site, and hoping for the best. Today’s fast-paced, competitive job market requires candidates to put their best digital foot forward from the start.  CLICK HERE to read the...more
The pandemic affected all of us in one way or another (often in many more ways than one), so it's probably inevitable that COVID-19 will be on our minds for the foreseeable future. We're still processing what we've gone through (and will continue to experience) and that means you can probably...more
You spent so many months adjusting to the new COVID-19 norms that defined your work life, such as suddenly becoming a fully remote employee. But at some point, you'll likely have to adjust to a whole new set of norms for what work will look like in the wake of the...more
 There are a number of things you consider when evaluating whether or not a job is a good match for you. You need a salary that meets your expectations, responsibilities that get you excited, and a manager you think you’d mesh well with. But there’s another important factor that carries a...more
In our careers, it’s inevitable that at some point we’ll find ourselves coasting along on autopilot. The excitement we once had for our jobs gets replaced with indifference, a poor attitude, and a lack of motivation. And when we find ourselves not as fired up about our jobs as we once were,...more
You just wrapped up a job interview for a role you’re excited about. You think it went well. But wait, did it? Now that you’ve had some time to take a breath and reflect on that conversation, the confusion and self-doubt have kicked in. You’re chewing your nails and overanalyzing every answer,...more
It’s normal to feel additional stress and anxiety during the job search process—but it’s also a difficult cycle to break. So when you’re feeling down about your job search, how can you cope? The good news is there are proven ways to better manage your mood during your job search, so...more
Admittedly, I’ve never been big on productivity hacks and tricks. Instead, I keep things pretty simple. I take a look at my planner (yes, a real paper planner—not my phone), jot down a list of things I want to get done that day, and then start hustling. But, after hearing so much chatter about the Pomodoro...more
If you’re one of the many people who’s currently looking for a new job or planning to start a job search soon, here’s what you need to know about finding a job in 2021. To find out more Click here...more
The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed nearly every aspect of our lives, including work. Millions have been laid off due to the economic downturn, and many companies have had to tighten their budgets in other areas, freezing pay, promotions, and hiring, meaning the competition for new opportunities is fierce—when those opportunities exist...more
If you’re interviewing for a remote job, digging into the culture of the company where you’re hoping to work should be a top priority. And understanding the remote work culture specifically is even more crucial. Why? As experts point out, remote work can provide you many things—such as freedom from a commute and...more
Some tips to help us get through working from home and dealing with the restrictions in our social lives we currently experience during the darker winter months. To read the full article, Click Here...more
Whenever I was having a bad day as a kid and was starting to get riled up, my mom would say, “Don’t drive angry”—a line from one of our favorite movies, Groundhog Day, that always got me to crack a smile.  Click HERE  to read the full article....more
If you’re preparing for a remote performance review, you probably have a lot of questions, especially if you’re working remotely for the first time. You might be wondering what the differences between remote and in-person reviews are, or if there is anything you need to take into account when doing a video review...more
The importance of the Power of Positivity and how getting a good nights sleep  click HERE...more
See the presentation by Stuart Gourley on tips for successful compaign management Click Here ...more
At the onset of statewide lockdowns as a result of COVID-19, it seemed like working from home would last a month or two at the most. Now months into the global pandemic, WFH is the new reality for many employees—and there’s no end in sight.  Click HERE to read the full article....more
Click HERE to view the video...more
6 Top Tips to help you prepare a winning CV.
Six in 10 contractors says they are willing to take clients to tribunal for incorrect determinations under off-payroll rules set to be rolled out to the private sector from April. Click HERE to read full article...more
Depression lies. It convinces you that you have no skills, no discernable talents, and no worthwhile contributions to make to the world. Of course those feelings would have the ability to hinder your job search. But being out of work can also increase a person’s overall risk of depression, according to research published...more
Between sifting through spam, crafting the right responses, and keeping tabs on the messages that require follow-up, staying on top of your inbox can feel like a job in itself. That’s why we picked the brains of professionals who have figured out the secret to efficient, organized inboxes—despite getting hundreds of...more
Ah, the dreaded cover letter. Every time you sit down to write one, you probably browse cover letter examples online, get overwhelmed, and think something to the effect of: Does anyone really read these? Wouldn’t it be so much easier if I could just let my resume speak for itself? To read the full article,...more
One of the most common refrains I hear from frustrated job seekers is that they spend tons of time applying to jobs, but never hear anything back. What gives?    CLICK HERE TO READ FULL ARTICLE...more
There’s truly nothing more rewarding than getting a response from an application you sent in to your dream job asking you to hop on the phone for an interview. Not only did all your hard work—editing your resume, writing a cover letter, putting together writing samples, and filling out endless forms—pay...more
We’ve all faced days at the office where we’re just not feeling motivated. Off days happen to everyone and it’s tough—if not unrealistic—to constantly do your best work. There are bound to be times when you procrastinate too much, lack focus, or struggle to start important projects.  Click HERE to read full article....more
Laid off. Fired. Sacked. Let go. No matter which words you use to describe losing your job, it can be a complicated and stressful situation—not to mention downright upsetting.  Click HERE to read full article...more
One of the biggest challenges facing today’s workforce, is the question of work-life balance. With only so many hours in the week, taking on the equivalent of an extra day’s work leaves even less time for family and personal needs. Fortunately, there are a few strategies employees can make use of...more
Email. Can’t live with it. Can’t get your job done without it. Am I right? Last year we sent over 2.5 billion emails. And here’s the bad news. In spite of a good amount of loathing, that number is only expected to grow. The volume is an issue, as is the time you...more
Wouldn't it be great if you knew exactly what questions a hiring manager would be asking you in your next job interview? While we unfortunately can't read minds, we'll give you the next best thing: a list of the 31 most commonly asked interview questions and answers. While we don't recommend having a canned response for...more
Picture it this way Physcologists say...  Click HERE to read full article...more
While the idea of mental health sick days are creeping into public consciousness, there is no set definition. That said they are generally understood to be taking time off to manage stress or another mental health condition.  Click HERE to read full article...more
Anxiety disorders can be complex, and the treatments and coping skills that work for some people may not necessarily work for you. As a result, landing on the most helpful way to manage your anxiety won't always be easy. But if you step out of the box, and keep a few things in...more
It’s the little things that make your life that much easier. Like having the commuter train pull into your station just as you get to the platform. Or your boss canceling that weekly meeting so you have more time to finish up a project. Or your inbox being clear all afternoon,...more
The BBC headline reads, “The World is Angry and Stressed.” According to a new Gallup global survey that offers a glimpse into the world’s emotional state, stress, worry, sadness and anger are reaching all-time highs. As Mental Health Awareness month kicks off, there is no better time to bring conversations about mental wellness...more
If you’ve ever struggled with a condescending boss, difficult colleagues, or work that feels like a soul-destroying slog, you might have fantasized about “rage quitting.” Maybe you even scripted the scene in your head—telling off your manager, cursing out that impossible client, or letting your co-worker know exactly how you feel about them...more
Lying to your boss and colleagues about your whereabouts is never easy, but sometimes it can feel like the only way to get out of the office and into a job interview.If you're worried about your third dentist appointment of the month raising suspicions with your employer, why not try one of...more
Almost 70,000 deaths could've been prevented in 2016 if people moved more, according to new research  Click HERE to read the full article...more
Beth Comstock, Amazon's Werner Vogels and Deliveroo's Will Shu share their thoughts on the future of work. Here's what they had to say.     Click HERE to read the full article...more
There’s a pretty well proven link between lack of sleep and negative emotion, but is catching 40 winks whilst at work a proven solution? Research from the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) suggests that lack of sleep can have a negative impact on emotion.    To read full article click HERE...more
Self-aware bosses seek to identify what factors influence their own behaviour and others’ behaviour towards them. The ability to recognise and manage emotions in high-pressure working environments allows managers to make more confident decisions and communicate with staff, especially when pride and self-esteem are at stake.  To read full article click HERE  ...more
Dave Asprey, founder of the Bulletproof Brand and New York Times bestselling author of multiple books, recently released his newest book, Game Changers: What Leaders, Innovators, and Mavericks Do to Win at Life. It includes a lot of fascinating and useful ideas. In this post, I'm going to highlight two you can immediately use.  To read the full article click HERE...more
I wonder what your reaction was on reading this? Perhaps it was slightly uncomfortable reading such a public admission, or perhaps you found it refreshing? To read the full article click HERE   ...more
We all like to think of ourselves as that great, cool boss who leads by example while charming the workforce at the same time. But it turns out that humility is a far more important quality in a leader than charisma. New research by Hogan Assessments has found that just by showing signs...more
 Stuart was up bright and breezy today for the hashtag# BrGlosbiz Networkingeakfast at the resplendent Ellenborough Park Hotel & Spa!
A rut is never a fun place to be in, but it happens to nearly all of us at some point in our careers. Perhaps you’ve been working in a job for a while, doA rut is never a fun place to be in, but it happens to nearly all of...more
Are your friendships giving you a boost or bringing you down?  Click HERE to read full article...more
Quick poll: Have you ever lied about being sick when you were a kid to get out of going to school? OK, clearly I can’t hear your answer, but I’d take a guess that you answered yes. But as we’ve all realized, when we enter the working world, this excuse feels just a...more
If Jeffrey Pfeffer had to sum up his latest book in one sentence, he’d say that “the workplace is killing us and nobody cares.” Take a minute, because that’s quite a summary. You should care, obviously. Employees, employers, governments, and societies all suffer from the effects of toxic work environments. “If I work...more
Aside from salary and perks, one of the key indicators of job satisfaction is whether or not an employee feels valued in their job. Making your employees feel valued is important, helping you to build a strong workplace culture that makes your business a great place to work. Click Here to read full article...more
What do recruiters really want? Whatever your area of expertise, when it comes to job applications and interviews, it seems some ‘pet peeves’ are universal. Whether it’s a stock CV phrase or an interview bugbear, most hiring managers know exactly what they like and what they don’t like. We recently asked over 300 recruiters...more
You may be starting your first graduate position, or you may have been in the same position for the past decade, or you may be somewhere in between. Wherever you are on the career ladder, there’s nothing wrong with always being on the lookout for new promotional opportunities. It can be tough...more
On the surface, it may seem like a polite way to ask for someone’s time, but new research from  reveals asking ‘Can I borrow you for a sec’ is a guaranteed way to irritate colleagues. The phrase was named not only the most overused (41 per cent) but also the...more
Millennials will make up around 50% of the global workforce by the year 2020, which is why it is essential to attract and retain the very best talent from this demographic. Yet, what motivates millennials (25 – 35 year olds) is somewhat different to the generations preceding them, whom have been...more
Most of us keep apps on our phone that have very specific purposes. We have an app to track a to-do list, an app we use to message friends and colleagues, and so on and so forth. Few apps can multitask outside of their intended purpose, and we presume the benefits...more
When you're applying for a job, professional success and industry experience are only part of what your interviewer wants to see. Harder to show, but many times more crucial for actually landing the job, are the personality traits that make you the right fit for the company.  Click HERE to read full...more
Deciding on a long-term career path can be challenging if you’re not using a set of criteria to compare your options from the start. Most people get an idea of what they want to do and then follow that aspiration without considering alternative avenues, and as a result a significant percentage...more
Despite the convenience of modern technology, it seems many people miss things like sending love letters and postcards.  Click HERE to read full article...more
If you live close enough to your workplace, then walk to work because there are so many benefits of walking. Also, there’s benefits of parking the farthest away from the door to your workplace and then walking from there. With that said, here are some of the main benefits of walking...more
Having a bad reputation on social media is worse than having no reputation at all, and the old adage that “all publicity is good publicity” really doesn’t hold true here. Social media is something of a strange animal – but if you can tame it and win its loyalty, social media...more
LONDON (Reuters) - Women working for the BBC have complained they are paid less than men in equivalent jobs and accused managers of misleading them about their pay to hide widespread gender discrimination at Britain’s public broadcaster.     Click HERE to read full article...more
Travelling for work often means travelling alone, which inevitably means confronting the awkward hell of dining alone. But if you do it right, it can actually be quite enjoyable. (Promise).     Click HERE to read full article....more
New research has revealed what the average Briton feels they need to lead a ‘comfortable life’ – a pay rise of £7,200. That’s the conclusion of a new study commissioned by the world’s largest job site, Indeed.  Click HERE to read full article...more
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s economy is likely to do better in 2018 than many forecasts suggest and the benefits of global growth in the coming years will “easily dwarf” any hit from leaving the European Union, former Goldman Sachs economist Jim O‘Neill said.  Click HERE to read full article....more
LONDON (Reuters) - Above-target inflation and a buoyant jobs market won’t push the Bank of England to tighten policy until at least November as it waits to see how divorce talks with the EU develop, a Reuters poll found.  Click Here to read full article....more
LONDON (Reuters) - As Britain’s deadline for annual tax returns looms, revenue authorities have warned they will be keeping a sharp lookout for any mention of aliens.  Click Here to read full article....more
LONDON (Reuters) - British companies hired permanent staff last month at the fastest rate since August, pushing up starting salaries, recruiters said on Tuesday. Click Here to read full article...more
You know that you’re capable of being a top-tier applicant (that’s why you’re here!). You’re the type to take your career ambitions into your own hands—build your network, do your research, rock the interview, and write an awesome thank you note. But then it’s the hiring manager’s turn, and you have to shift...more
LONDON (Reuters) - British employers are having to raise their pay offers in the face of growing recruitment problems, two surveys showed on Wednesday, following a fall in the number of European Union workers since the Brexit vote. Click HERE to read full article...more
While the country may be in the midst of a mental health awakening, that doesn’t mean talking about what’s going on inside our heads is any easier - particularly when it comes to work Click HERE to read full article...more
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s sluggish economy perked up slightly during the past three months, an unexpected boost that clears the way for the Bank of England to raise interest rates next week for the first time in a decade. Click HERE to read full article...more
Office perks are something many workers take for granted. But it appears not everyone is getting what they want, according to’s latest survey – whether it’s early finishes in the summer or flexible working hours all year round. Click HERE to read full article...more
The Government is warning that the country's top firms are not prepared for cyberattacks - Click HERE for full article...more
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's BBC revealed a yawning gap between the pay of its top male and female stars on Wednesday when the national broadcaster named its highest earners for the first time.   Click HERE to read full article...more
It’s never a good sign when a promising candidate has nothing to ask at the end of an interview. Although what might be worse is the promising candidate who chooses to ask something inappropriate or unprofessional. This can end up being a major red flag when it comes to their suitability –...more
If you work in recruitment, rejection pretty much comes with the territory… It’s never a nice job having to tell someone their application has been unsuccessful – especially if you don’t have too much previous experience in having to turn people down for a position.   Click HERE to read full article...more
Mindfulness…everyone seems to be talking about it, and it’s a word that can create mixed feelings. While some see it as a New Age, trendy but useless concept, others believe firmly in its ability to create happier and more productive employees and leaders.   Click HERE to read full article...more
You know the feeling. It’s 3pm on a Tuesday and you’re already yearning for Friday. You’re stressed, overtired – and there’s only so much a cup of coffee can do. You can’t seem to turn off your ‘work brain’ when you leave the office, but you can’t focus during the day....more
Do you ever feel like you’re spinning plates, rapidly switching between one unfinished task to another, putting in a burst of effort to keep one task ‘spinning’, hoping that none of the other plates crash to the floor in the meantime? It’s an exhausting, stressful and ineffective way to work. Only...more
The dream of a four-day, 30-hour working week is something that many of us aspire to achieving one day. But the reality is that few companies offer such flexibility, despite rising preference among employees for a better work-life balance. Furthermore, in many places there remains a stigma attached to those opting...more
Looking to make your recruitment even more effective? Try video interviewing… Not only does it allow you to find out more about a candidate without the need for a face-to-face interview, it also has the potential to greatly reduce your recruitment costs and time-to-hire – by ensuring you’re only meeting with the...more
There’s some irony in the fact that taking the decision to delegate decision making can sometimes be a tough one, and particularly within a small company where autonomy has generally rested with you. It can be a time-consuming process and often requires a mindset change on your part, along with a willingness to...more
At the end of a big presentation or conference, it would be unusual to see the speaker or host pick up their belongings, put on their coat and leave, without any sort of closing speech. Generally, they would take a few minutes to deliver a summary, thanking the audience for their...more
Do you ever feel like you’re spinning plates, rapidly switching between one unfinished task to another, putting in a burst of effort to keep one task ‘spinning’, hoping that none of the other plates crash to the floor in the meantime? It’s an exhausting, stressful and ineffective way to work. Only...more
Does offering the biggest benefits always result in the best applicants for your role? Exciting office perks might make a company seem more appealing in the short term. But not all candidates (or employers) see benefits as a big deal – especially when it comes to landing the right position. So, are office...more
Struggling to find a CV that stands out? Unfortunately, when you’ve worked in recruitment for a while, some candidates CVs can often end up looking like virtual replicas of one another. And much of it simply comes down to an overreliance on the same old stock phrases. To remind you of what not to look...more
In Japan, where there’s no legal limit on working hours, there’s an accepted phenomenon called ‘karoshi’, which translates to ‘death by overwork’. The Japanese government compensates families who have lost loved ones due to employment-related exhaustion or suicide. According to Labour Ministry data, claims for compensation for karoshi rose to a record high...more
Are you someone who is easily distracted at work? According to business psychologist Dr. Nicole Lipkin, focus is often“a mystical concept”, and it can be an ongoing challenge to control how our time is spent in the workplace when we all too often allow distractions to take over Click HERE to read...more
When is SMART goal setting not smart? How do you establish deadlines that generate enthusiasm instead of pressure? Are you right in thinking that driving for results improves performance? Click HERE to read full article...more
In the modern age, it’s hard to stay ahead of the game. In fact, never mind staying ahead of the game – it’s impossible to keep up with the game sometimes. Technology is no different, and there are a string of virtual and online techniques that the most successful companies are using right...more
Every festive film fan knows that the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear. But, according to our latest research, that sentiment doesn’t always ring true when it comes to the workplace – especially if what you’re singing is Mariah Carey. Click HERE to read full...more
At the end of a big presentation or conference, it would be unusual to see the speaker or host pick up their belongings, put on their coat and leave, without any sort of closing speech. Generally, they would take a few minutes to deliver a summary, thanking the audience for their...more
The UK has ranked in the top five countries worldwide based on its ability to thrive in a post-Brexit, post-Trump era. Click HERE to read full article....more
Successful businessman, entrepreneur, self-confessed ‘geek’ and philanthropist Bill Gates is a bit like Marmite. While some love him for his achievements as an entrepreneur and his contribution to technology, others who maybe aren’t Microsoft fans, find it tricky to connect with him on any sort of personal level. Famously publicity-shy and...more
The open plan office was set up to encourage disclosure, discussion and debate. At the time it broke down traditional office hierarchies, sitting managers among the ‘workers’ and promoting a more flexible and democratic way of working. It saved companies money too, as the need to construct large, fancy offices for senior...more
At this time of year, there’s nothing I’d love more than to be lying by a pool, with an iced coffee in one hand and a book I’ve been longing to read in the other. Nowadays, my reading time is whatever I’m able to grab, on the train to a meeting,...more
The Oxford English Dictionary has just been reprinted with more than 500 new words and phrases. With September 2016 being the centenary of Roald Dahl’s birth, the quarterly update has marked the occasion with many new entries connected to his writing. These include splendiferous (“humorous word for splendid”), human bean (a “humourous alteration” of human...more
Thinking of quitting? There’s more than one way to say goodbye…  Click HERE to read full article...more
Let’s be honest, it’s always nice to keep candidates on their toes at an interview…    Click HERE to read full article...more
Are you the sort of person who bounces out of bed when the alarm goes off, excited to begin your day? Or maybe you’re a little more like me…hitting the snooze button, dashing around the house frantically trying to get everyone organised, running out the door, and needing a strong coffee...more
The average employee spends around 90,000 hours at work over the course of their career, and for the majority, that time is spent in the office.   The office is second home and so ideally it should be a pleasant, harmonious environment to be spending so much time in. But the reality of...more
A survey by Mastercard looked at 1,300 British adults aged 16 to 75  Only 17% of British workers take a full hour for their lunch break  Sitting for a long time is bad for heath and can increase risk of heart disease, obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and even reduce life expectancy   Click HERE to...more
Do you frequently have that realisation that it’s 10am already, but you haven’t really accomplished anything yet? You might have made a coffee, browsed through a couple of articles, jotted down a quick ‘to do’ list, had a chat with a colleague and responded to a few low priority emails…but really,...more
Banks based in Britain will lose access to EU markets after Brexit unless the country remains in the broader European trading group that includes nations such as Norway, the head of Germany's Bundesbank warned on Monday. Click HERE for full article...more
The Bank of England is expected to say on Thursday that it will still probably cut interest rates to a fraction above zero later this year, despite signs it overestimated the initial shock to Britain's economy from June's Brexit vote. Click HERE to read full article...more
There are an infinite number of books and articles written about how to lead. There are few written about where to lead. Where does the work of leadership get done? Given that the average manager spends almost 50% of each week in meetings, how they show up in those meetings will either demonstrate their leadership...more
A monthly survey shows while firms are still worried about the UK economy, their investment and export expectations have improved. Click HERE to read full article...more
How smart targets can show you where to aim: “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible,” according to American entrepreneur and author Tony Robbins.   Click HERE to read full article...more
When it comes to employment, there is significant uncertainty around salaries. And with various legislation recently passed around holiday pay, overtime and commission, knowing which parts of your contract are governed by EU law – and so, could be subject to post-Brexit change – could help manage risk and keep surprises...more
The number of people without a job in the UK has fallen in the three months to June according the Office for National Statistics.   Click Here to read full article...more
“Sweatworking" should replace networking - with companies incentivised to conduct meetings while walking or working out, one of the UK’s leading health bodies has said.  Click HERE to read full article....more
Co-working is a fast-growing trend. Initially, it was the domain of start-ups who’d outgrown their bedroom-based offices and needed a flexible, affordable space for their growing business. But over time the popularity and number of co-working spaces has blossomed, with more and more professionals wanting to decide for themselves how and when...more
Considering most of us love talking about ourselves, very few people actively enjoy interviews – the pressure can get to even the most eligible and eloquent of candidates. But it pays to remember that it’s a mutual fact-finding opportunity, not a cross-examination in the dock.   Click HERE to read full article...more
Overview Figures released for July 2016 reveal that the UK job market continues to grow with 8% more vacancies on offer in July than the same time last year. However, the monthly index fell by three points (1%) compared to June. Overall, the Reed Job Index for July stands at 289. To read...more
According to Google…yes! So much so, that its Googleplex headquarters in Mountain View, California, are kitted out with high tech sleep pods, where employees can go to recharge their batteries. These EnergyPods are said to incorporate NASA science, enclosing the occupant within a private space which shuts out any external stimuli,...more
Does offering the biggest benefits always result in the best applicants for your role? Exciting office perks might make a company seem more appealing in the short term. But not all candidates (or employers) see benefits as a big deal – especially when it comes to landing the right position. So, are office...more
With the daily barrage of emails, talkative colleagues, and constant digital interruptions, the modern workplace costs individuals and companies a lot of time. In fact, the average British employee wastes 759 hours of work a year at work. To read full article click HERE...more
Ten years ago, almost to this day, I set-up my first home office and entered the world of remote working. Back in 2006, virtual working was the exception rather than the rule, and I only made it sustainable through hefty train fares into London each month for regular client meetings. Virtual...more
The Daily Routine to Change Your Life A daily routine is something that we all should be incorporating into our everyday lives to make sure we reach the highest success level possible. These three parts of a daily routine are the most important and can have a drastic change in your life...more
Lots of systems, tools, and games promise to help you get a handle on your email.  But there’s a really simple truth about managing email that most people overlook. And if you don’t acknowledge it, no email tip, trick, game or technique is going to work for you.   Here it is: email...more
How often do you leave a meeting, feeling that it was, well….boring? You made it through a big agenda, yet somehow little happened. There were no substantive debates. No ah-ha moments. It ‘looked’ like a good meeting, yet nobody would think or do anything meaningfully different because of it. This happens...more
In the three weeks since the historic vote, the number of new jobs added to is up 8% on the same period last year. What’s more, 83% of companies tell us they will not be freezing recruitment after the UK’s decision to leave the EU.   Click Here to read full article...more
Boredom is becoming a big problem. And our intolerance for boredom is one of the primary reasons our productivity suffers. Today's post explains more about boredom and why it's so important to work on your attentiveness and willpower to help you focus personally and professionally.  Click HERE to read full article...more
We all love to watch a presenter who appears cool, calm and confident. In fact, if a presenter doesn’t seem confident, it is uncomfortable to watch and we will have no confidence in the message they are sharing. But how is it that they are confident in the first place? Here...more
Presenting isn’t a ‘one way street’ of course as there are always two parties involved; the presenter and the audience. With that in mind it feels inappropriate to rest the entire challenge of presenting on the shoulders of the speaker when their managers are involved; they have to share some of...more
We all know that refined (or processed) sugar is bad for us, but many have no idea of the devastating impact it can have upon the body, not to mention the damage it can do to our daily work and productivity.   Click HERE to read full article...more
You've researched the company, updated your CV and passed the job interview with flying colours. But experts say you shouldn't rush into accepting a job offer until you've asked your potential employer ten vital questions. From enquiring about recent team promotions to questioning what they dislike about the company, recruiters say posing these...more
On the surface, it may seem like a polite way to ask for someone’s time. But asking ‘Can I borrow you for a sec’ is also a guaranteed way to irritate your colleagues, according to our latest research. The phrase was named not only the most overused (41 per cent) but also...more
Employee absence is estimated to cost UK employers a shocking £11 billion every year – about £600 per employee. It’s a cost no employer wants to cover, and guess what? It’s avoidable. Jess Hildyard: BrightHR Content Strategy Manager 17th May 2016 Click Here to read full Article...more
For 16,000 years at least, dogs have been domesticated and have played key roles for centuries in society’s central work functions such as policing, farming and hunting. Given this long history, why aren’t they commonly found in the office spaces of today?   Click Here to read full article....more
Modern offices are changing. We’ve seen how lucky the teams are at the likes of Google and Red Bull with their funky office interiors and the various benefits on offer designed to increase retention and productivity.   Then there are offices like the new BBC headquarters in Portland Place, London that only has seating for 3,500...more
Is YOUR job killing you? Long hours stuck behind a desk to impress the boss can lead to heart disease and type 2 diabetes Heavy workloads, workplace culture and stress all to blame, survey finds Research was done with leading charities like British Heart Foundation  Collaboration has created an online motivational tool to inspire workers Read more: ...more
Considering most of us love talking about ourselves, very few people actively enjoy interviews – the pressure can get to even the most eligible and eloquent of candidates. But it pays to remember that it’s a mutual fact-finding opportunity, not a cross-examination in the dock.   Click Here to read full article....more
Everyone has their own interview bugbears… But aside from just turning up late or an obvious lack of preparation, what are the worst things a candidate can do to guarantee rejection? We asked more than 200 of you to share your all-time top interview faux-pas to find out:   CLICK HERE TO READ FULL...more
Never underestimate the power of a cover letter… Although often overlooked, cover letters can be one of the main deciding factors when it comes to helping your application stand out. But what should (and shouldn’t) you include? To point you in the right direction, here are four of the most common cover letter...more
Undervalued and underpaid? It might be time to change that… If you’re not feeling appreciated at work, deciding to take the plunge and make a new start might feel like an easy decision. But it’s not just the size of your pay packet that can leave you feeling unloved. You might have...more
You will no doubt have heard the phrase “you never get a second chance to make a first impression” and in fact, whether we like it or not, people will make judgements about us before we even open our mouths to speak.   Click Here to read full article...more
Employee happiness can be a fuzzy concept to strive for, and is not necessarily seen as a priority by all businesses. It can often be an afterthought, with many believing that if workers are paid enough, or promoted regularly, they’ll be happy.   Click Here to read full article...more
When it comes to your CV, every word counts. However, with competition for the top roles increasing, even the simplest mistake could be enough to make or break your application. To avoid getting into any bad habits, here are a few things you definitely shouldn’t do with your CV:   Click Here to read...more
The typical working week has its ups and downs. And if you regularly find yourself suffering from “Sunday night blues”, it’s time to ask why and what can be done about it. Because having a positive attitude can help you succeed in day-to-day projects, get a promotion or just generally enjoy...more
The typical working week has its ups and downs. And if you regularly find yourself suffering from “Sunday night blues”, it’s time to ask why and what can be done about it. Because having a positive attitude can help you succeed in day-to-day projects, get a promotion or just generally enjoy...more
On the surface, it may seem like a polite way to ask for someone’s time. But asking ‘Can I borrow you for a sec’ is also a guaranteed way to irritate your colleagues, according to our latest research. The phrase was named not only the most overused (41 per cent) but also...more
The list of supposed villains of the road seems never ending. There is caricature of the “boy racer” surging down the road ignoring the speed limit; the “yummy mummy” applying her make-up at the wheel; the elderly hat-wearing lady going the wrong way up a one-way street and, of course, the classic...more
There are some occupations where keeping hydrated is a ‘must’ and part of working culture. The mining industry in Western Australia, for example, involves working in extreme desert climates where temperatures can soar as high as 40°C and beyond.  Miners are therefore required to keep their fluid intake up, and alcohol...more
Given the fast-moving nature of today’s economy, change is inevitable and necessary for businesses to survive and thrive. Yet our strongest emotion is fear – and there is no greater fear than that of the unknown. We may often have discussions with colleagues about how we wish our line manager, job role...more
Struggling to set your CV apart? With a number of jobs seemingly requiring similar skillsets, CVs can often end up looking like virtual replicas of one another, making the hiring process more difficult (and more irritating) for recruiters. And much of it simply comes down to an overreliance on the same old...more
The further along you are in your career, the easier it is to fall back on the mistaken assumption that you’ve made it and have all the skills you need to succeed. The tendency is to focus all your energy on getting the job done, assuming that the rest will take...more
Finding out you’ve been unsuccessful after an interview is never easy… But whether you use the experience to improve your interview technique for next time, or end up figuring out what type of job is really right for you, you might be surprised just how much unsuccessful interviews are actually moving you...more
“Your attitude will determine your future…” It sounds simple, but it is harder to actually do, especially for sales people. Developing and maintaining a positive mental attitude requires determining and controlling your thoughts. There is so much negativity and doom and gloom being discussed it is easy to tune in to that...more
Working from home is gaining acceptance among a growing number of organisations, as HR policy-makers latch on to the value of flexibility in creating a stable, productive workforce. It’s no longer a nice-to-have or just for working parents – flexibility is becoming a key concern for today’s employees who want more...more
British employers expect to raise wages this year by far less than the Bank of England forecasts earnings will increase, due to low inflation and rising employment costs, an industry survey showed on Monday. Click Here to read full article...more
Not long to go until February 14th. The day when lovers exchange cards, gifts, flowers and chocolates with their special 'valentine'. Here's everything you need to know.   Click Here for full article...more
here are 396 MILLION members on LinkedIn and just 51% of them have a 100% completed profile. I’m therefore guessing that this post is going to be useful for quite a few of us.   Click Here to read full article...more
Nearly one in six working Brits – that’s 4.3 million people – admit to ‘faking-it’ for a day off work, according to our latest research.   Click Here to read full article...more
Rents in London have risen so sharply that the one group of young workers usually immune to worries about keeping a roof over their heads are starting to feel the pinch.   Click Here to read full article...more
Let’s be honest, it’s always nice to keep candidates on their toes at an interview…   The classic curveball question, also meant to be a good gauge of a candidate’s creativity and how well they will work under pressure, definitely falls firmly within this category. And whilst there are arguably no right or...more
New research has confirmed what people who like a few drinks have always known: living near a pub makes you happier. Click here to read full article...more
Small businesses are to be allowed to file their tax returns by telephone in a climbdown over plans to force them to go online. Click here to read full article...more
British employers have remained cautious as they set pay offers going into 2016, according to a survey on Thursday that underscores why the Bank of England is in no hurry to raise interest rates. Click here to read full article...more
I’m bigger and I’m faster. I will always beat you.” This is what Joan Crawford tells her daughter, Christina, in the 1981 movie ‘Mommie Dearest’ after shamefully beating her in a swimming race. When it comes to your phone you might want to think of your brain as Joan Crawford and yourself...more
Personality-style tests seem to be flooding my social media timelines at the moment.  Whether it’s ‘What Game of Thrones character are you?’, or ‘How OCD are you?’,these quizzes are all seeking to crudely categorise and pigeonhole someone’s personality type.   For many, these tests are a way of understanding the more abstract traits...more
As presenters we are in the privileged position of being able to share our knowledge, experience, and passion with an audience. We may be motivating our team at a meeting, presenting a new idea to senior management, promoting our business at a networking event or sharing our expertise or our opinion...more
A decreased ability to cope with stress, less energy and a reduced capacity to concentrate are common traits displayed by those who are sleep-deprived according to an infographic produced by Virgin Pulse, part of Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Group.   Click here to read full article...more
Did you know that when we complain, our body releases stress hormones which immediately inhibit areas of the brain used for problem solving and other cognitive functions?   Click here to read full article...more
The workplace is where people go to work. But much of the day is increasingly padded out with less productive activities, writes Peter Fleming. A few years ago a disturbing story appeared in the media that seemed to perfectly capture the contemporary experience of work and its ever increasing grip over our...more
Offices around the world are made up of various types of people. You’ll generally find a chatterbox, gossiper, noise-maker and workaholic not to mention those that love to call a meeting for literally everything and anything (and don’t get me wrong, we love meetings, but pointless meetings should be avoided at all costs!). This infographic displays 13...more
Click Here to see the full range of DragonPSR's capabilities...more
By 2025, it’s predicted that Gen Y will make up 75% of the workforce. This reality is enough to fill many managers with fear and trepidation. Perhaps this is no surprise, with all the hype that surrounds Gen Y in the workforce: from self-centered and entitled to optimists with a genuine desire to help...more
Futurologists are forever trying to anticipate how today’s technologies will shape tomorrow’s working practices. Granted, we’re not at the point where our jobs have been taken over by robots with artificial intelligence, allowing us to enjoy a life of leisure, but communications platforms do allow us to interact and connect in...more
If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, you’ll know that at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, an enchanted ‘sorting hat’ is used to decide which house each pupil should be in. If only us muggles had such an easy way of judging personality! But with the absence of a sorting...more
Once upon a time, the idea of having a difficult or sensitive conversation about redundancy, poor performance or conflict resolution, in any way other than in person, would have been considered poor etiquette. For some it would have been completely inappropriate.... Click here to read full article...more
Some days it seems almost impossible to be productive There are beeps and buzzes coming from your phone and calendar notifications on your laptop for upcoming meetings. These are just a few of the distractions that small business owners and employees experience on a daily basis. To fight the distractions and stay...more
When you give an important presentation, without doubt one of your biggest hurdles is the stress or nerves you feel. A little nervousness is a good thing because it keeps you on your A-game. But feeling too much of it comes across as discomfort, which makes your audience uneasy too, and hence they’ll...more
Human resources departments have been getting a lot of hate recently. There are hundreds of articles written every week questioning if HR departments will become extinct in the coming years, and even top-level management are losing faith in HR  Click Here to read full article...more
Meetings. They are a necessary part of business life. Sometimes they are wonderful – productive and even enjoyable. But we’ve probably all sat through other types of meetings – the ones that are unproductive, tiresome and agonisingly long. Unfortunately, we all need meetings. We need them for updating people, brainstorming options,...more
Nearly seven in ten bosses believe stress, anxiety or depression are not valid excuses for taking time off, a survey has found   Click here to read full article...more
Office workers need to get off their backsides and move around more, according to a new campaign. Click here to read full article...more
Thousands of older workers are being forced to retire earlier than they want to, a study shows. Click here to read full article...more
Any job hunter would be wise to seek out common interview questions and think about his answers beforehand, but what about the questions that haven’t made it onto the lists yet? Click Here to read full article...more
Click Here to read full article by James Caan...more
Over-used business buzzwords have become a turn-off to employers Words like 'passionate', 'drive' and 'strategic' now on too many CVs Research released on one of the busiest days of year for jobseekers     Click here to read full article  ...more
After an extended few weeks of fun and frivolity, it’s easy to feel a bit blue when it’s time to return to the office. Add to that the few pounds you might have gained from over indulging, the dreary British weather and an empty social calendar, and you really will be...more
Living in the digital age is a double-edged sword: The tools available to us can be wonderful servants, but they can also be terrible masters. Click Here to read full article...more
Tis’ the season to be jolly! But just how jolly is too jolly when it comes to Christmas party conduct? This annual celebration is a great way for employers to thank their employees for their hard work; it’s an opportunity for colleagues to relax and unwind, to get to know each...more
Most job-seekers spend all their job-search energy trying to please employers. They turn off their radar, and that's a bad thing. Their gut could be screaming at them "Don't take this job!" but their fear of missing a mortgage payment wins out. When that happens, you take the wrong job and you...more
Networking is one of the most challenging skills you may have to learn in the world of business. It can be an awkward experience, having the attention of a group of strangers focused on you, and trying to make a good first impression Click here to read full article...more
The CBI is calling for businesses to take flexible working more seriously, following the publishing of a YouGov poll yesterday which showed that around 42% of workers would feel uncomfortable asking their employer if they could work more flexibly. To read full article click here...more
One in three workers would prefer more holidays to a pay rise and most believe that the promise of extra time off would motivate them to switch jobs, according to a report. Click here to read full article...more
With just weeks to go for many to claim their holiday entitlement, research has revealed that British workers allow 60 million days to go to waste - worth a staggering £5.37bn. For two in five of us, the holiday year runs from January to December, meaning time is running out to take...more
Workers have won a ground-breaking case at the Employment Appeal Tribunal to include overtime in holiday pay. Click here to read full article...more
I regularly get emails from frustrated job seekers asking for advice about their job search. Many of them are at their wits’ end because they submit themselves to dozens or even hundreds of jobs and don’t even get an invitation to interview. I recently saw an article online that talked about...more
Soft skills are often underestimated during the interview process which always surprises me because they are always the first thing you read on a CV – “I am a conscientious, hard-working person…” may seem like an obvious statement but personable transferable skills like these are essential. Click here to read full article...more
Stress and anxiety stop us functioning as we should - instead of medication, what if a simple smartphone app could banish the "Blue Meanies" forever? Click Here to read full article......more
In this modern age, we’re all used to talking about remote working, mobile working, hot-desking, home-working, flexible working, online collaboration, virtual meetings and so on….ad-nauseum!     I was wondering recently whether we had truly embraced this or whether there were fundamental limitations.  In particular limitations regarding credibility, professionalism, perception, “seriousness” etc.  Putting...more
The majority of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) remains against raising interest rates, minutes from the October meeting show Click Here to read full article...more
Time management is one of those areas that many of us struggle with. Nowadays our lives are so busy, with our attention constantly divided across an array of connected devices, that the art of focusing and managing time is becoming more and more challenging. Click here to read full article...more
The format and contents of your resume says a lot about your age. Age discrimination is a fact of life in today’s job market. This goes both ways for the young and the old. I want to discuss the signs that you are over 50 years of age and, hopefully, get you past...more
If you feel the need to lie in an interview and you can’t be yourself (at least mildly) then you’re clearly asking to be hired at the wrong place. Click here to read full article...more
The Bank of England has held UK interest rates at a record low of 0.5%. It has also decided not to extend its quantitative easing programme, designed to stimulate lending in the economy, beyond the £375bn already spent. Click Here to read full article...more
It is the technology that really could change the way we live (and shop). Apple Pay aims to replace cards with an iPhone 6, allowing shoppers to simply prove their identity with a fingerprint then tap to pay.   Now, it has been claimed that owners will finally be able to throw away their...more
The bald truth is that most companies are pretty bad at recruitment. Nearly half of new recruits turn out to be duds within 18 months,according to one study, while two-thirds of hiring managers admit they've often chosen the wrong people. Click HERE to read full article...more
Bank of England governor Mark Carney has told the UK's trades unions that wages should start rising in real terms "around the middle of next year" and "accelerate" afterwards.  CLICK HERE TO READ FULL ARTICLE...more
Britons are far more likely to work beyond the retirement age than any of their counterparts in the main EU nations, official figures revealed yesterday.  Click HERE to read full article...more
(Reuters) - Support for Scottish independence rose dramatically in August, a poll showed on Monday, leaving the "Yes" campaign just six points behind advocates of staying in the United Kingdom with 17 days to go until a referendum.  Click HERE to read full article...more
Click here to read full article...more
Click here to read full article...more
When you’ve applied for dozens of jobs, actually landing an interview can seem like a major accomplishment. And it is. But don’t just be happy to get an interview – work hard to make sure you nail the interview. Here are practical ways to ensure you shine.   Click here to read full article  ...more
More than half of Britons check their work emails while away on holiday... and 1 in 50 admit to having looked at messages at a FUNERAL Read more:
 Every employee now has the right to request flexible working hours after the government extended the right previously reserved for carers and those looking after children - Click here to read full article  ...more
First impressions really DO count: Employers make decisions about job applicants in under seven minutes Read more: ...more
Click here to read full article...more
Bosses should let workers take naps, says sleep expert: Professor says 30 to 90 minutes 'brain downtime' per day could increase productivity Read more: ...more
Average British worker tempted to resign for a 5.3% salary increase Read more: ...more
 A crocodile is recovering after the circus vehicle he was travelling in hit a pothole causing an 18 stone accountant to fall on him.  Click Here to read full article...more
Smelly colleagues, pointless emails, cheap teabags and people stealing your favourite mug: The habits which most infuriate co-workers are revealed Read more: ...more
A glut of new business is boosting Britain's dominant services sector, a survey showed today, adding to expectations that the economy is about to surpass pre-recession levels. Read more: ...more
Click here to read full article ...more
Former employers fear being sued over giving accurate references. Click here to read full article...more
The UK inflation rate as measured by the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) fell to 1.6% in March from 1.7% in February, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).  Click here to read full article...more
Not the usual item we normally put on the web site but this document produced by the Met Police gives a comprehensive guide to scams and schemes which fleece ordinary people out of their hard earned money.  Click here to view....more
Click here to read full article...more
UK retail sales jump in February, boding well for first-quarter growth.   Click here for full article...more
Growing use of videoconferencing and social media at work are making "likability" a more important career skill, recent research shows.  Click here to read full article...more
A fall in petrol prices pushed the UK inflation rate to a new four-year low of 1.7% last month, figures show.  Click Here to read full article...more
The Chancellor George Osborne delivers his next Budget on Wednesday 19 March. Traditionally it is a day of big announcements and political grandstanding to boost the government's position and not just to manage the state's finances.  Click here to read full article...more
The size of the overall UK economy will this summer overtake the peak level it was at before the 2008 financial crisis, a business lobby group says.  Click Here to read full article......more
(Reuters) - Britain's economic recovery broadened in the last three months of 2013, driven by a pick-up in business investment and trade that will hearten the Bank of England and the government.  Click here to read full article....more
The UK's inflation rate, as measured by the consumer prices index, fell to 1.9% in January.  Click Here  to read full article...more
The cost of living crisis is about to turn around, according to a forecast from the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS).  Click here to read full article...more
The UK economy grew by 1.9% in 2013, its strongest rate since 2007, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).  Click here to read full article...more
"The European Treaties are not fit for purpose," Osborne told a conference in London.  Click here to read full article...more
Click here to read full article...more
Lap Dancers deny kidnapping Boss over pay dispute ... click here to read full article...more
The UK's economic recovery is set to gather momentum this year, according to the latest quarterly survey by the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC). .. click here to read full article...more
Click here to read full report...more
Click here to read full article...more
Jobs potential for Indpendent Scotland ... click here to read article...more
British inflation unexpectedly dropped to its lowest rate in more than a year .. Click here to read article...more
CBI ups 2014 GDP growth forecast to 2.4 - click here to read full article  ...more
Some hints from an American on how to survive Halloween trick or treaters. Click here for article...more
(Reuters) - British unemployment appears to be falling slightly faster than forecast against a backdrop of a robust recovery which is proving stronger than expected, Bank of England policymakers concluded at their October rate-setting meeting .. Click here to read full article...more
British retail sales rose faster than expected in September here for full article...more
Click here to read article...more
Click here to read article...more
There were 534,269 UK jobs advertised in August, up 1.5% from this time last year, as the economic pick-up translated into an increase of 7,900 vacancies between July and August. Vacancies in manufacturing rose to a one-year high, whilst construction jobs increased 6%. The property sector has also witnessed an uptick in...more
Its Personality that counts Click here to read article...more
If you thought your last interview was tough, read this article on just how 'innovative' employers are now being...
Click here for further information...more
The holidays are almost over and its time to get back to work - click here to check if you are suffering from post holiday blues!...more
Economic growth in the UK revised up to 0.7% - click  here to read further...more
My girlfriend thinks that i'm a stalker.... well she's not exactly my girlfriend yet...more
Click here to read the best way to go about getting that pay rise....more
Click Here to read more...more
Click here to see what the economists have to say...more
If having a hangover is not bad enough, apparently it can make you stupid.. click here to read more...more
Top economists say that UK economy is close to Escape Velocity ... Click Here to read on...more
Royal baby will boost the economy says City......more
How to stay cool in the heat...more
A Sales Rep ..Click to read on ...more
Three ways to make personal growth your top priority. Click here to read more......more
We are delighted to announce that Lou Stafford has joined our South West team as Senior Consultant. Lou brings with her a wealth of South West recruitment experience and an exceptional track record – in her last year she was Toner Graham’s highest billing consultant and was shortlisted, across all Divisions, for...more
Adrian Summerton and Stuart Gourley are delighted to announce the launch of their new recruitment business, DragonPSR.  Refreshed from their mini-sabbatical the guys have returned with considerable fire in their bellies! Entrepreneurial in spirit and free from constraints, with a real passion for what they do, they return with the clear intent...more