Running a Business from Home

In this modern age, we’re all used to talking about remote working, mobile working, hot-desking, home-working, flexible working, online collaboration, virtual meetings and so on….ad-nauseum!  
I was wondering recently whether we had truly embraced this or whether there were fundamental limitations.  In particular limitations regarding credibility, professionalism, perception, “seriousness” etc.  Putting it bluntly, is there an expectation that organisations or certain types of organisation have “proper” offices in order to be taken seriously? 
If for instance you are providing a professional service that is delivered through a combination of telephone, online and face to face meetings offsite, do we embrace the modern flexibility of being home-based, or is this frowned upon?  What if a home-based business is “selling” to a large corporation – does this change the view?
Whilst I have my views on this, I am genuinely interested in yours and look forward to your comments. 

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